Camera setting and photo taking schedule to get the best result

I left the camera turned on to take photos for a full day and was so excited to see the results the next evening. The next evening, I came home to … disappointment. Here are some photos I found that night:

Bad photo ...and another bad photo

As you can see, the photo quality was terrible. I kept getting photos with different stripes of exposure, overexposed, underexposed,or just plain white. A quick search on Google gave me the answer, Apparently, I set the the camera to take the photo right on the first frame, which means the camera has no time to set itself up yet. After several different tries, I came to the perfect setting.

DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")
fswebcam -D 2 -S 20 --set brightness=30% --set contrast=0%  -F 10 -r  640x480 --no-banner /home/pi/camera/$DATE.jpg

fswebcam: After the camera is called,

-D 2: I set it to delay for 2 seconds, this can be thought of as warming up time.

-S 20: then, I skip the next 20 frames, just so the camera is used to the exposure and brightness of the scene

--set brightness=30%: my room can be a bit dark at time so I raise the brightness slightly

--set contrast=0%: I was testing with other values here but in the end, I decided to keep it as default. I would suggest to play around with this value as it does improve the colours and exposure of the images.

-F 10: I then finally take a photo, I choose to take it in 10 frames, which gives some interesting effect with the cars moving outside my window.

-r 640x480: I originally set the resolution to 1080x960 but I don’t think the photos need to be that big. 640x480 is also a nice size when it comes to making little gif.

--no-banner: I use this option to clear out any banner the camera app automatically overlays on the final images.

Here is the camera settings for reference.

Available Controls Current Value Range
Brightness 97 (29%) 30 - 255
Contrast 0 0 - 10
Saturation 83 (41%) 0 - 200
White Balance Temperature, Auto True True / False
Power Line Frequency 50 Hz Disabled / 50 Hz / 60 Hz
White Balance Temperature 4500 (23%) 2800 - 10000
Sharpness 25 (50%) 0 - 50
Backlight Compensation 5 0 - 10
Exposure, Auto Aperture Priority Mode Manual Mode / Aperture Priority Mode
Exposure (Absolute) 156 (0%) 5 - 20000
Pan (Absolute) 0 (50%) -201600 - 201600
Tilt (Absolute) 0 (50%) -201600 - 201600
Zoom, Absolute 0 0 - 10

Adjusting resolution from 384x288 to 352x288.

For more details, please read: Ubuntu manual for fswebcam

I tested making the gif from the photos so far. They are pretty great. However, there are too many photos and those taken at night are not very useful. I changed the scheduling so it’s taking photo every 15 mins between 5am to 8pm only.

sudo crontab -e

Change the line to

*/15 5-20 * * * /home/pi/ 2>&1

The result…

Good quality one

Written on July 16, 2017